
Building & Construction - Insulated Panels
Wall panels
Fire-retardant expanded polystyrene is a cost effective core for insulated building panels. These panels are predominately used in cold-storage industry, additional applications include mobile housing and on-site building offices. The mining industry have utilised EPS-FR building panels to satisfy their need for prefabricated accommodation facilities in remote locations. Once the EPS-FR core is bonded to strong durable pre-painted steel skins the combined sandwich effect produces a strong, lightweight building panel.
Roof panels
When the fire-retardant expanded polystyrene core is laminated to hi-tensile roll-formed roofing sheets combined with a smooth steel under-skin a strong durable all-in-one insulated roofing panel is produced. Due to the exceptional free spanning capacity of these roof panels and the dramatic reduction of the need for structural support steel in the roof structure, they are extensively used in the patio and home improvement market, supermarkets, schools and sporting facilities. All panels are tested and certified to comply with the Australian Building Codes.
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Building & Construction - Concrete
EPS-FR is a cost effective way to fill voids in landscaping and general construction. All DIS EPS-FR is manufactured to Australian Standards. This allows designers to use the density and strength of EPS-FR to know how the product will perform under design loads.
Void forms
EPS-FR can be easily cut into most two dimensional shapes and also some three dimensional shapes.

Building & Construction - Render
EPS-FR is used widely in the construction industry as the base for render systems. Due to the high insulation value, light weight nature and durability of EPS-FR, this type of system is extremely popular in the home renovation market and new home market.
Profiles manufactured using EPS-FR are also a very popular and cost effective way of providing an architecturally ornate finish. DIS can cut window sills, corbells and quoins, as well as a wide variety of other shapes.

Home and building
EPS-FR is a very popular insulation material in residential construction. It can be used as both floor and wall insulation as well as cladding. It also is very popular in underslab heating systems. DIS can also provide a foil faced board to give greater thermal properties to the insulation.

Truck bodies
EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate are commonly used in the insulation of truck bodies for refrigerated trucks. The very high thermal properties in conjunction with the mechanical strength of the products make either, an excellent choice in this application.
Pipe lagging
DIS can cut and supply sectional pipe insulation (SPI) with a custom diameter and wall thickness to suit your needs. Depending on the insulation properties required and the service temperature of the pipe, our sales staff can help you to determine the type of material required to insulate your pipe effectively. DIS can also provide a foil faced product to enhance the thermal rating of the SPI.

EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate are widely used in the marine industry due to the buoyancy properties of both products.
EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate is commonly used as the core material in floating docks and pontoons. They are cost effective, have good flotation properties and are easy to cut into custom pontoon profiles. They can be used for both concrete and vinyl encasing of pontoons.
EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate are used as buoyancy by boat builders. DIS can supply both EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate cut to size, to fill the exact specifications of your design. They are resistant to solvent attack making it the product of choice for surveyed craft.
Flotation baffles are used when containing spills on the water. DIS supplies EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate for use as cores in baffles. We cut regular baffles (circular and rectangular) as well as custom shapes to fit a sleeve.
EPS-FR and polyisocyanurate are great insulators and are widely used as the insulation in freezer or coolers in the marine industry.