DIS manufactures polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) which is typically used in applications looking for higher fire ratings, enhanced temperature controlled applications and controlled environmental projects.
PIR offers enhanced R values ranging from 2.2 to 8.0 m2/Kw.

Features include :
Meeting Certified Insurance standards of Factory Mutual Global
High thermal performance
Energy saving
Fire safe
Hygienic and fibre free

Product Options
Available sheet thicknesses
PIR is made in block thicknesses nominally 600mm + 1000mm high. Any sheet thickness required can be cut from these blocks from 15mm through to 1000mm.
Block sizes manufactured
PIR is made in block sizes of nominally 2500mm x 1200mm.
Range of formats
PIR is available in a range of formats as it is cut from a block using a computer controlled abrasive wire cutting unit.
Typical formats are :
sheets of any nominated thickness
pipe sections in 1200mm lengths cut to order in a range of formats depending on internal / external diameters required
tapered sheets to suit specific building applications
specific formats on a cut-to-size basis
available to order with aluminium FOIL FACING either single or double sided